Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party- an initiative to change the system
India is a democratic country and everyone is free to make their own decisions yet the ruling political parties have completely ruined the state of this nation. The country is outraged with corruption, unemployment, poverty, lack of educational facilities &lack of proper medical facilities. The country is in frantic need of change- a change in system & change in the deteriorating condition of the nation. But the question arises how this change will be brought. Kanhaiya Sharma laid the foundation of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party.
The party primarily works for bringing about a “change in the system” and this change can only administered if the youth of the nation unite together. Youth are the potential future of a country and if provided with quality opportunities they have the efficacy to make a country politically socially and economically strong. India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 years and being a young nation it is important that we realize the “power of youth” in order to become a global power.

Basic agenda of the party:
Kanhaiya Sharma, the national president of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party has a vision to “purify india” thereby totally eradicating corruption. Corruption is one of the biggest tribulations of this country. The nation is shackled in the chain of corruption to which there is no escape. Corruption exists in education, employment and basic health facilities. For example- a meritorious student is unemployed because he does not have sufficient amount of money to pay to the corrupt officials while on contrary an extremely rich average student easily gets employment as he spends lakhs for acquiring the desired job or position. Millions of Youths in this country are unemployed due to the corruptive system that has eventually given rise to lack of employment opportunities.
Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party works on 3 basic agenda’s- Education, employment and proper health facilities. The party works with an optimistic approach and believes that if we empower the youth of today and provide them essential education, employment and medical facilities only then we can see a better picture of this nation tomorrow.
Aim of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti Party:
- The party aims at giving a platform to the youths of the country who are often unheard and unseen due to political pressures and dominations. { Youth Empowerment}
- Extension of employment opportunities.
- Improvement in education system.
- Better administration of law and justice.