The corruptive system was always the persistent problem of our nation. Western countries have completely colonized the minds of young Indians and made them addicted to materialistic pleasures such as pornography, drugs etc. (brain wash). As per the current condition, the Indian system is weak and falling to pieces. Youths of the country are unemployed, 30% of population in India is below poverty line, thousands of patients die every single day due to improper health facilities, children are not getting proper education, rich is becoming more rich and poor is becoming more poor, millions of people are still homeless, government officials are corrupt, there’s no proper law and order. All these issues constitute to make a system that destroys the whole nation. And thus, there is an indispensable need to bring about a positive and impactful change in the system.

Why Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party is different from other parties?
Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party is a party of youths of this nation. The party primarily focuses on empowering youth and providing them a platform from where they can raise their voice against the corruptive system of this nation. Kanhaiya Sharma is the president of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party and his vision is to make India a global power free form corruption and crime, with high class education facilities available to every child, providing better employment opportunities to the youth of the country and better health facilities available to every individual.
- The party beliefs that for a candidate to stand for election, it is important that at least he must have acquired basic education only then he will be able to understand the problems and tribulations of common people and give effective solutions.
- The maximum age limit of a candidate to stand for elections is 60 years. After the age of 60 years a candidate is not liable to stand for elections as the party believes that young mind can take better and effective results. However, the candidate above the age of 60 years can provide his valuable assistance to the party thereby guiding young minds.
- Should not have any criminal charges or allegations against them
- The selected candidate must have his roots or belonging from the district or city where the elections are held (No parachute candidate).
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