Bhartiya Yuva Kranti Party wants to ask the system – why many of our children are still struggling to get education? India is no longer considered as a poor country worldwide with increasing numbers of billionaires, then why there is so discrimination in education system. We are in favor of free education for all since many years but, how it hasn’t reflected in terms of ground realities? Don’t you feel that education system ethics implemented by British can never go with our mother tongue Hindi?

We want to raise voice for equality of education for our villages and cities!
The increasing number of unemployment is a matter of concern but, no one can deny that we are lacking to produce skilled work force. Despite the intense conditions do you still believe that things going to change by itself or someone will swing magical stick to do the job? No one, but us can start change, if we really want to change. The problem is our and it is effective our life than how come anyone else from outside can bring suitable solution.
One of the futuristic and knowledgeable leaders of all time in Indian history Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of creating self belief in students in early age. The veteran speaker with sparkling wisdom had always recommended the enforcing of self confidence for overall personal goal. Keeping his wisdom in mind, now we think that time has arrived to fight for our right.
Need of hour to point the loop holes in education system!
Bhartiya Yuva Kranti Party says before we talk about our self-interest we must start taking flag for our rights. Doctrines of education must change to adapt the current work scenarios. And for that, we must give intellectual inputs for changing the divisional examination patterns, directionless learning without devouring knowledge. We must brainstorm new ways to create an educational system that can help our youth to discover their own way than giving them marks.
We know that there is a different line of education running in villages which doesn’t prepare kids to stand out in throat cutting competition of this hour and time. Notably, India is a land known for diversity than what do you think is this the reason for the difference as per location in our nation? Or, you want to accept that there is huge shortage of inter-arrangement in providing with similar education and ethics to the future of India – our kids!
Together we can make difference to create an equal skilled centric education system for our youth!
We, Bhartiya Yuva Kranti Party, as young voice of India want to raise this question to governing authorities, why there is no talk about equality of education in our villages and cities.