It is well said that “education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”. It is only through education that we can bring about positive impactful changes and improve the corruptive system of our nation. Hence, every child is entitled to receive proper education regardless of status, money, caste, color, gender etc. If we look at the current situation, India has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world.
Our political leaders talk about digital India and all the developmental technological projects but what they forget is “A tree can never develop & be productive if the roots are not strong” the crux of the matter lies that even after globalization and digitalization, half of our children’s and youths are uneducated and unemployed. There is an immediate need to bring about a change in the system and this change can only be brought about if the youth of the country together raise their voice against the corruptive government system and claim for their rights. Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party provides youth of the nation a platform to speak for their welfare and rights in order to bring about constructive changes in the system. They party majorly focuses on the 3 basic agendas- Education, Employment and health facilities.

Mission of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party
At present all of the above three mentioned categories are in a deteriorating condition. The number of unemployed individuals in India is expected to rise from 18.3 million in 2018 to 18.6 million in 2019. This is a shocking analytical report as millions of our country’s youths are still unemployed. We talk about our strengths and making nation a global power but how this mission will be achieved if half of our country’s youths are uneducated and unemployed. Bharatiya Yuva Kranti party is operated and administered by the Youths of the country and their motto is “youth empowerment”. The party aims at providing better employment opportunities to the youngsters who are educated yet unemployed due to lack of basic employment in the country. Before focusing on concepts such as digitalization and technological advancements, the party emphasizes on eradicating corruption, lack of education, health facilities and unemployment from this nation. Kanhaiya Sharma, the chief of Bharatiya Yuva Kranti Party has a vision to make India the topmost educated country. And this can be done by providing educational facilities, opening government schools and colleges in rural areas so that every child can acquire proper education.
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